Keeping Your Makeup Clean
We love purchasing makeup – Pure Makeup! You always want to keep your makeup as clean as possible and free of bacteria.
There are some simple ways to do this and insure that your beauty products are kept as pure as possible so that you won’t get a skin infection.
Listed below are several important makeup techniques that will help you keep your makeup fresh.
They only take a second or two to implement and you’ll be glad you did.
Read up on how to keep your makeup pure.
How To Safely Test Makeup
The cosmetic counters are brimming with beautiful new makeup colors every season and it’s only natural to stop and look. Looking at the colors in the new beauty collections if fun, but you need to know this simple makeup tip. Testers that have been touched even once are no longer bacteria free. They aren’t pure makeup!
There’s a makeup myth going around that you can somehow use an alcohol wipe on the lipsticks and that it will sterilize them. It’s simply not true! While it may eliminate a tiny bit of the bacteria, it doesn’t kill it all. To test makeup colors always use sealed samples. When you find one you like then order the full size makeup product online.
How To Open Cosmetics
When you first open your makeup, it’s still pure makeup.
1. First, wash your hands with soap and water. An alternative is to use a hand sanitizing gel.
2. When you open foundation, pour a tiny amount into the palm of your clean hands or onto a clean plate or makeup palette. Little makeup mirrors also work well for this technique.
3. Put the lid back on the foundation.
4. Then pick up the makeup with your foundation brush, sponge or even clean fingers.
These four steps will help to minimize the amount of bacteria that will enter your cosmetics.
How To Keep Minerals Pure
Are you a mineral makeup wearer? Keep your mineral makeup clean by using the technique above for opening your makeup.
1. Pour out tiny amounts onto another clean surface and keep the brush out of your main product.
2. For pressed powder products like eye shadows and blush use a butter knife. Make sure you clean the butter knife and dry it first.
3. Very lightly scrape the product onto a little paper or your palette. The tiny serrated edge works beautifully.
4. Close the container and set it aside.
5. Work from the palette.
Clean Makeup Brushes
Anything that touches your face is no longer sterile. That means brushes, too. It is imperative that you clean your makeup brushes at least once a week. Baby shampoo works great. Then condition them with plain hair conditioner. They’ll be soft and silky and clean.
Start practicing these simple techniques for pure makeup today to have clean beautiful makeup and skin all year. You’ll be glad you took the time to revise your makeup technique.