Thanks to the sponsors who choose to advertise on this site, I am able to keep Makeup Notebook posted online for your enjoyment.
I write the majority of articles for this site and sometimes the readers themselves might write an article or two. I’ve invested both my time, energy and personal savings into building a site where you can access the information for free.
Advertising Information
I value the relationship I have with you and the one I have with the advertisers and sponsors. However, any compensation I receive does not influence the content of this site.
I give my honest opinion and talk about products I think you might like, too. Not every product is right for every person – it may work for you and not someone else – that’s why there are a variety of products. If I find something that doesn’t work, I simply don’t put it on the site at all.
Google runs third party advertisements on this site which are clearly identified as such. I don’t choose these ads, they are selected and served by the advertiser. Many readers like the offers and find products which they might not have considered purchasing before. also runs third party advertisements on this site and I don’t choose these ads either, they are selected and served by the advertiser. Sometimes you’ll see them with photos and a caption and other times they will appear as links to other content on the web.
Makeup Notebook also has several affiliate advertisers and sponsors. If you click through on one of the text links or photo links from this site to theirs I may receive a small commission if a purchase is made within a specified time period.
In addition is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
The sites you’ll probably see the most on this site are Amazon, Drugstore and eBay because I find their prices to be some of the most reasonable and people enjoy shopping with them. Other affiliations are added as needed.
This website does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
I want to personally thank you for taking the time to visit here. I hope you enjoy the site, share your experiences with others and come back often.